
Trace the outline of the template and cut countertop according to templated outline suing appropriate cutting tools. Template is for guide only. Use physical sink to ensure accurate cutout opening.

Draw a line 1 cm inside the sink outline

Locate the drill holes on the underside of the counter top, approximately 1"from edge of the sink to be installed. Holes should be evenly spaced approximately 6" to 8" apart starting from every corner as shown in.

Clean sink flange and underside of cutout area of countertop, making sure that the area is smooth and free of grease.

Apply continuous bead of silicone caulk evenly on top of sink flange. Position and align sink over the countertop opening and press sink onto countertop. Turn bent end of mounting bracket to snug over the sink rim.

Locate the drill holes on the underside of the counter top, approximately 1"from edge of the sink to be installed. Holes should be evenly spaced approximately 6" to 8" apart starting from every corner as shown in.